Apple continues to bring its A-game when it comes to providing the latest upgrades, security, and safety to its users. The regular iOS update is proof that they are committed to not just improving your experience but also fortifying your defence and protecting your most sensitive data stored on your devices. In this blog, we will talk about the coolest feature in the newest iOS 17 update.
Get multiple access by hitting the + button
Experience a smooth interface and get quick access to cameras, photos, and audio messages with a single tap.
More fun with emojis and stickers
Both are now accessible in the stickers section. Ever heard of creating fun stickers based on your photo? That sounds fun!
Catch up easily with just an arrow
Say goodbye to tiring message history searches. The catch-up arrow streamlines the process, swiftly guiding you back to unread messages, saving time and effort.
Say hello to live voicemail!
Or simply, we can call it a slide of convenience. It sends real-time transcriptions that will be automatically displayed on your lock screen, allowing you to choose whether to take or ignore the call.
Recharge an exciting moment with Standby Mode
This cool feature is like a secret app that only comes alive when the phone is charging and left undisturbed. It brings interactive widgets that are fully customizable, making your boring charging moments exciting!
Interactive Widgets on the Go
With the latest iOs17 update, you can now check reminders, browse your playlist, or even manage tasks without opening the app—seamless and a time saver!
Typing just got smarter with keyboard updates:
Say goodbye to the long tap of the delete button when typing your faulty messages. The autocorrect feature of the newest update adapts to your style of delivering messages, while the predictive text not only predicts but can also complete your sentence.
Facetime Takes the Center Stage
Link your iPhone to your Apple TV and watch your living room transform into a perfect spot for gathering and catching up with your loved ones! This feature is perfect for those who would love to connect on the big screens or simply create bigger memories.
Apple has truly taken the market with its advanced development and upgrades, which often become the standard. If you wish to have assistance in upgrading your phone to iOS 17 or want to get your first iPhone, come visit our store in Geelong, and our expert technicians trained by Apple will be happy to deliver your smart choice.